Monday, February 12, 2007

Question 2

Are there are any current situations in the world that relate to the novel? What are they, and how do they relate? Does the novel shed any light on how current situations could be resolved or 'fixed'?

A current situation relate to the novel does not fail to exist, and it is the history of Russia and Eurasian Republics. Because the novel was written, by George Orwell, to criticize the Russian government and the politicians under the control of Stalin, the novel naturally relate to the current situation of Russia as well as Eurasian Republics. To find the similarities between the novel ‘Animal Farm’ and the current situations of Russia and Eurasian Republics, similar to the story in the novel Russia and the neighboring countries also experienced and were affected by the great rebellious revolution. Also, the characters in the novel share similarities with the real characters or groups of people who were involved in the Russian Revolution, as the characters in the novel are supposed to represent them since the novel is a new version of the Russian Revolution from the perspective of the author.
Throughout the story, the resolution does not seem to be mentioned because the story is full of facts of what happened, it did not mention any personal thoughts or opinions about how the conditions of the current Russia and Eurasian Republics would be improved. The purpose of this author, George Orwell, writing this book was to reveal the facts of the Soviet Union, which was formed after the Russian Revolution, so that more people would not be deceived by the false statements they make or the pieces of information they provide. The more people know the truth, the faster the corruption of the Soviet Union would come.

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