Monday, March 19, 2007

Question 2

Are there are any current situations in the world that relate to the novel? What are they, and how do they relate? Does the novel shed any light on how current situations could be resolved or 'fixed'?

This book ‘Lord of the Flies’ by William Golding was written during a period of raging war, therefore it is influenced by the war environment. Currently, there is a war going on between Iraq and United States of America along with its union of few countries which dispatch their troops to Iraq. Under severe conditions in war, children suffering from the war environment would likely to face such challenges like the challenges that the characters from ‘Lord of the Flies’ had to face. Some would become savage due to the murderous acts occur during the war because, sooner or later, the children would be familiarized by them. The others may become psychologically challenged and would suffer it. This current situations what happen in Iraq is relevant to the story of ‘Lord of the Flies’ since the innocent children are suffering from the disastrous events during the war, therefore they would eventually find their inner evilness hidden inside of them by becoming more familiar to the sins being committed. The book ‘Lord of the Flies’ criticizes those sins being committed due to our inborn nature of evilness and even human beings for having no bright future because of our inherited, inborn wickedness within us, existing simultaneously with morality. However, this book does not necessarily suggest a solution which would enhance the nature of being sinful, yet the theme it contains generates us to think about our nature of being sinful and to make appropriate choices.

1 comment:

Suzie said...

Wow! I think you have done a wonderful job of connecting the novel to today. This novel also made me to think about the war between Iraq and United States. Not only the children, but the whole people living in Iraq see savage scences. They are constantly exposed to the war, and this will make their savage nature to be exposed, which will worsen the situation. Moreover, I also agree with what you have said near the end. I also thought that even though the novel did not shed any light on how this could be resolved, it implied how dreadful the situation could be if we just let our evil nature to come out to the world and implanted in our mind that we should never let that happen.