Monday, March 19, 2007

Question 5

What is the mood of this novel? Do you find this novel saddens you in any way? Why?

As literature is also a piece of art, the mood is considered to be one of the essential components of the piece of writing. In general, the mood of this book, ‘Lord of the Flies,’ is depressing and somewhat desperate, for survival. As the background is set to be the deserted island, the main characters, who are children, some excitements and happiness can be seen throughout the story. Furthermore, the period of time when the children were on the island was during a raging war, therefore the first part of the novel is full of confusion, fear as well as excitements of being separated from the grownups. However, as the story advanced, the more and more the fear started to overwhelm the minds of the children, the mood gradually changes towards depression, fear, sadness, and confusion.. The small amount of information gathered on the Beast and the Lord of the Flies also frustrated and made the children feel anxious. In addition, many disastrous that occurred around them significantly changed the mood into even deeper depression, frustration, fear and confusion.
To me, the situations that the children had to face and the mood that they have created does sadden me. The reason being is that not only does it reveal who we, human beings, actually are but also for the fact that I feel sympathy for the children on the island. Additionally, for the fact that the innocent children became savage due the environment saddened me as well.


Jennifer Seo said...
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Jennifer Seo said...

Hi:] ~~~~~~!This novel, Lord of the flies, did sadden me too. I agree that the mood of this novel was extremely dark as you said. The beginning was somewhat bright and happy, however it change to depressive and even fearful. The children reveal us, human beings, and this makes me sad just like you. However I also feel sympathy for the children on the island as you said.