Monday, March 19, 2007

Question 8

How does this story relate to my life? Also why does it relate to my life in such way? How much is this story relevant to my life?

How much this story relates to my life depends on how well I would apply the theme of this book, “Lord of the Flies.” The theme contains a great lesson that we all can learn from, however, unless I come across with a distinguished, unique lesson that may be hidden within the theme, the relation between the story and my life would not be relevant. For I discovered throughout the story that the human beings are not created to be perfect but have inborn traits of pure evilness, I learned that I would need to recognize the sins that I may commit and always think deeply before action. Each characters play different roles that represent the traits exist within human beings, who include me as well; therefore I see that this story is considerably relevant to my life. Despite the fact that I am not struck on a deserted island, the characteristics that each characters demonstrate applies to me too. The desire to rule over the others, cruelty, evilness, fear, anxiety, and morality – these are the traits that I also possess as well as the characters from the story. For I share similar characteristics with the children on the island in the story, my life relates to the story. Also, from a religious perspective, my life and the story are relatively similar. The reason being is that the children go through many harsh challenges, whether mentally or physically, while waiting for their rescue, while I struggle with challenges that I encounter in my life waiting for God to save me. The challenges that I may face would necessarily be similar to the challenges that the children had to face. As we learn something more about what we want from the struggles the children and I faced, those struggles are somewhat similar to each other.

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