Monday, March 19, 2007

Question 7

Are there any settings in this novel which you have found to be beautiful? Or disturbing? Or memorable? Describe these settings and comment on why they were meaningful to you.

Settings are important to understand the mood, events, and characteristics of characters. To understand further about the story, it is critical to fully comprehend the settings around the characters because they are one of the crucial factors that affect the behavior of the characters which then affect the story. In the story of ‘Lord of the Flies,’ the most memorable setting throughout the story, to me, was the place where the dead pig’s head was placed on a stick. As this place was very significant because important events happen from this place, for instance, it was the place where the climax had taken place. Personally, I found this setting somewhat disturbing since the dead pig’s head being placed on a stick which was done by an unfortunate group of children on the island disgusted me. However, as I went thoroughly into the story, I realized that this was a representation for the great fear of the children and also of which belonged to human beings. The dead pig’s head was located in the middle of the forest, full of darkness, confusion, and anxiety. The reason why this setting was important was because it helped me greatly to comprehend the theme further since the setting was completely filled with darkness that could be referred as fear. In addition, the fact that the children not only killed the pig but also beheaded the pig and had put it on a stick seemed devastating to me, thus the setting was memorable as well as being significant.

1 comment:

Eugene Bock said...

hi jiwon i agree with what you have said. i too found the scene very disturbing and disgussting. i was not like that violent when i was 12 years old. the fact that children sort of enjoyed the event saddened me. didnt you find a delightful setting though? for me it was pleasing to see calling an assembly to decide what's what. it was because the purpose of it was to survive and cooperate with each other.